Today is the last day of TIFF (Transilvania International Film Festival). In the last week me and another 100 volunteers have done our best to make the behind the scenes effort to make any and all who would dare to come and participate in this cultural event a pleasent and welcome viewing.
Sad but true that it's over. For a week we have been cursing and swearing at anything envolving the festival. Now that it's over we just can't help feeling sorry for it as the entire festival drives off in it's limos, vans and trucks and we're left on the road again missing it for another year. Maybe still it's for the best. I know I've missed and entire week of school for it and am left paying for it...nobody knows who did the same. Personal thanks to all the people who have stood along with me to make both the public scene fashionable and the privat one friendly. Goodbye and hope to see you all next year. Cheers.
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